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Skills Training Loan

Description: Helps adults looking to upgrade their skills or training


Maximum Loan Amount Available: $12,000


Guarantor Requirements: One Jewish guarantor who lives in British Columbia is required for the first $6,000 borrowed. A second guarantor is required for loans over $6,000 (second guarantors need not be Jewish and can live anywhere in Canada)


Repayment Terms: Payments of $50 per month while in training. Six months after graduation, payments of $25 per month for every $1,000 borrowed.


Eligibility: Before you begin our application, please make sure that you meet the following eligibility requirements:


  • You are Jewish 

  • You reside in British Columbia (exceptions made for students raised in B.C. that are temporarily studying out-of-province)

  • You are a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident or Convention Refugee (applicants on a work or student visa are able to apply but only for a $2,000 Visa Holder Loan). 

  • You are 19 years of age or older​


Please note that HFLA loans are designed to support individuals and families experiencing financial need. To determine eligibility, HFLA follows BC Housing's income guidelines. Based on this criteria, if you are a single person or couple with a gross income above $84,780, or a family of three or more with a gross income above $134,140, you may not qualify for our charitable services. Please note, however, that special consideration may be given for families with high Jewish particiation costs (school, camps etc) that are above the $134,140 threshold. 


Apply today by following these simple steps: 

step 1

Secure your guarantor(s) and advise them that an HFLA Board Member will be calling them in the days ahead

step 2

Complete our application form by clicking here

step 3

Await a call from an HFLA board representative

step 4

Complete an interview (by zoom or in person)

step 5

Await your loan decision. If your loan is approved, you will be sent paperwork to sign and then your loan funds will be distributed. 

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